
A MySQL client implemented in pure Blade.


You can install the mysql library with Nyssa package manager

nyssa install mysql

Connecting to MySQL

You can connect to a MySQL instance after creating a valid Mysql object by calling the connect() method on the object. For example:

import mysql

var con = mysql('localhost', 3306, 'root', '')
if con.connect() echo 'Connected!'
else echo 'Connection failed!'

You can initialize the database you want to use when creating the object like this:

import mysql

var con = mysql('localhost', 3306, 'root', '', 'myapp')
if con.connect() echo 'Connected to DB myapp!'
else echo 'Connection failed to DB myapp!'

Note that if you do not specify the name of the database, you will need to call the use_db() method to initialize a database before you run your queries like this:

import mysql

var con = mysql('localhost', 3306, 'root', '')
if con.connect() {

  # Run queries here...
} else {
  echo 'Connection failed!'

Running queries

After successfully connecting to a MySQL instance and initialized a database, you can run your queries using the query() method. It is important to note query method either returns a MysqlResult or MysqlResultSet, the later only being returned for queries that return rows while other queries return the former.

var result = con.query('SELECT * FROM users')
echo result.rows
echo result.fields

You can iterate over a MysqlResultSet using the for loop because it is an iterable.


for user in con.query('SELECT * FROM users WHRE id <=> 5') {

When you run an INSERT operation, you can retrieve the last insert ID from the Mysql object iteself like in this example:

con.query("INSERT INTO table (name, age) VALUES ('Kelly Clarkson', 25);")
echo con.last_insert_id

For querys that do not return rows, you can easily get the number of affected rows like in the following:

var result = con.query('DELETE FROM users WHERE deleted_at != NULL;')
echo result.affected_rows

See MysqlResult and MysqlResultSet for more.

Display result in CLI applications

The library comes with an handy class for CLI based applications to display MySQL tables in the terminal/command prompts — TermTable. Here is a basic usage.

var result = con.query('SELECT * FROM users')
echo mysql.TermTable(result).render()

You should see something similar to this:

| id(20) +PK | name(196605) | phone(42)         | created_at(19)      |
| 1          | Richard      | +2349070776001    | 2023-01-25 08:20:38 |
| 2          | Aderonke     | +37019353407      | 2023-01-25 13:40:31 |
| 3          | Jayes Webber | +44723276483      | 2023-01-25 16:23:24 |
| 4          | Kendrick     | 08172345678       | 2023-01-25 21:29:58 |
| 5          | Queen        | +4490777167728    | 2023-01-25 21:30:45 |
| 6          | Alexander    | 0901129884992     | 2023-01-31 16:22:34 |

See TermTable for more information.

Important Notice

  • The library currently only supports MySQL servers with native_password authentication method enabled. This covers all MySQL versions 5.7 and below but may need to be enabled for higher MySQL versions. This library has been tested up to MySQL server 9.0.1.
  • There is no support for prepared statements yet.
